service opportunities

at ‘Cuse Catholic

To embody Christ’s message in our lives, we are called to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, and visit the sick and imprisoned. Jesus calls us to leave the comfort of our safety nets and to seek out the marginalized in our society so that we may provide them with the spiritual and temporal necessities they need. We desire to embrace all humanity with the dignity they deserve.


Upcoming Events:

Our first Sandwich Ministry will be Thursday, Sept. 26! We will begin at 8:15pm, following the 7pm Mass and 7:30 dinner!


Want to get involved with service initiatives at the SU Catholic Center? Contact our Campus Minister, Patrick McLaughlin, at

Sandwich ministry

On the last Thursday of the Month, help make sandwiches to be delivered to a local food pantry in the greater Syracuse area. This project is also available for groups upon request.

Last Thursday of the Month – 8:15pm, following Community Night (Catholic Center)

food recovery network

We are currently looking for a student to help us stop food waste and help collect excess dining hall food to be delivered to the poor of our community. If you are interested in spearheading this service opportunity, please contact our campus minister, Patrick McLaughlin, at for more information! Free dinner is included at Shaw Dining Hall for volunteers!

Friday – 8:00pm (Shaw Dining Hall, subject to change)

community organizations

The Catholic Student Association hosts various service events each semester to organizations who need our help. Past service trips included St. Joseph’s House, A Tiny Home For Good, and L’Arche, to name a few.

Fall ’25 Events – TBD